Friday, June 22, 2012

Galaxy Nexus off to Plano, Texas...

The drama continues...  I only wish I was paid to act in this drama.

Verizon issued a trouble ticket, and the results are no network issues known in my area.  They continue to monitor/review the issue, but they filled out the paperwork (Trouble Ticket) to send to Samsung & Google regarding the 4.0.4 update not fixing this issue for me (or many others).

What helps us?  Call Verizon every time it happens.  Give them your location when it happened, who you called (number), tower/system (LTE/ eHRPD / CDMA/etc) you are connected to at the time the issue happens.  Verizon will fill out a form with all of this information to send to their "engineers" (I wonder if they exist) and to Samsung & Google.  Hopefully, more tickets == more movement from Google, Samsung, & Verizon - although Verizon is the only one of the 'big three' that is out in front of this issue...  Kudos to them!

I have given up on this device (for it is not a phone) ever working to make functioning, lasting, & problem-free phone calls.

If you are still 'hoping' for a better outcome, I salute you.  I will continue to tweet, bug Samsung, Google, and Verizon (to a much lesser degree since they, at least, admit the problem exists).  Note, Google has yet to assign this issue to anyone (

I saw a tweet from John D Cook (@JohnDCook) stating:
"If a project doesn't have an owner, it's like a chainsaw on a rope swing.  Why would anyone even go near that?" --Merlin Mann
I have to admit...  This issue and Google are just like that...  Who, having been through this issue, is even mildly excited about their next Samsung or Android phone?  I am apprehensive and filled with dread...

Good job Google & Samsung!  I do know, at least, that Verizon won't leave me hanging with a device that won't make a call.

Updates to follow as I hear back from Samsung's repair facility in Plano, Texas.

On a bright note, I do hear the ICS update for the Razr MAXX is being pushed today.. ;)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Open signal & NDT Mobile Client

I have asked Ben to help us with an experiment.  Namely, Ben states he has never had the "issue" when at his offoce.

I have asked him to use Open Signal to get a list of towers (or as much info as possible) at each location-in a table. The table, if I get it, will have a list of towers (or as much information about them as I get), on one side, where the "issue" occurs and, on the other column, a list of towers (or as much information about them as I get) where he hasn't experienced the "issue."  Open Signal would tell us the type of cpnnection (4G - LTE, eHRPD 3.75G, etc...) at a particular date/time. I am not sure the software gives us a unique identifier for each tower...  I'll need to do some reading...

I would then run NDT Mobile Client in each location to see if network "stuff" differs between the two locations or between the different type of connections.

Hopefully this data might help Verizon troubleshoot this issue for us...

Anyone else have the "issue" in some locations but not in others - with the same phone, of course...?

I'll keep you posted...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Possible cause/solution?

See posts 732 - 735 at

It was stated that a person who had the issue at home did not have the issue when they turned their phone on while at their office (about 14 miles away) - even after returning home.  The poster asks is there could be an authentication issue with specific equipment/towers & not with others since the issue does not seem to occur at the house if the phone was turned on while at the office...

I will ask him to test this scenario out to see if the issue returns if the GNex is turned on at the house and, then, if he can replicate the "solution" by turning the phone on near his office.

I am going to look for software that might let us identify specific towers (llama maybe) or equipment on those towers that might be causing the issue(s).

Has anyone had this issue in some locations/tower areas but not in others?

Updates to follow ...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Galaxy Nexus

Just for further disclosure, here are the specs...

32GB Galaxy Nexus purchased on release day

Android Version:  4.0.4

Baseband Version:  I515.09 V.FC04 / I515.FC05

Kernal Version:  3.0.8-gda6252b
                          android-build@vpbs1 #1
                          SMP PREEMPT Fri Apr 13 11:35:09 PDT 2012

Build Number:  IMM76K

I need to look and see what I can find about SMP PREEMPT...

A post by Arithon ( states:

. . .
SMP PREEMPT refers to features of the kernel which are configured in, and are mentioned in the kernel version because they can have significant global effects on how the system behaves.

SMP = support for multiple processors and multi-core processors
PREEMPT = a way of writing the kernel so that things seem to happen "faster" (lower latency)
. . .

I will now go read about Android and SMP PREEMPT.  :)

Back to my issue...  Has anyone who had the issue obtained the update to 4.0.4 and found that the issue is resolved?  If so, please let me know...

Suggestions for Verizon, Google, & Samsung...

I understand technology can be difficult, especially with the Ghosts in the Machine.  What I want to suggest is for support staff & "techies" working on the issue to visit the links I've listed in the first post about the Galaxy Nexus and start reading...  Note the issues (and frustration level).

If I was an employee, I would be pushing the firm to get involved and help, actively, solve the issue.  I would be having techs call those affected so they could "hear" the issue.  I'd make the techs and other employees use the device (returned devices that were affected, preferably) and send them to the area where it occurs (North Carolina, Minnesota, California, and Colorado as indicated on the XDA Developers poll).  I'd then get the some of those affected users together in a conference with employees from all three firms in a 'tech fest.'

A 'tech fest' is, to me, a meeting where we take step-by-step moves to isolate issues that may be affecting the device-I'm not talking about an e3-sized event...

In this manner, the public, the paying customer who provides you with corporate monies, sees people moving to solve their problem(s).  The corporations earn big PR "applause" and "kudos" for "doing the right thing." Everyone learns and, hopefully, problems are solved.  If nothing else, the firms get self-starters who can help them solve future problems...  Beta-testers for OS updates, etc...

In summary, get involved in the forums.  Get active.  Get moving.  Sitting there or here doesn't get us moving forward and doesn't solve our issue...

Galaxy Nexus: Safe Mode, CDMA only, no wifi, no BT

I was running the Galaxy Nexus on CDMA only (no wifi, no Bluetooth, and in safemode).  Verizon asked, via twitter, for my phone number ... hehe... and I gave them my mobile number...


During the call, the operator stated, "Oh, it is happening with the phone now.  I will call you back..."

So, the issue persists with the Galaxy Nexus in "Safe Mode" while only suing CDMA (no LTE) while the wifi is OFF and while BlueTooth is OFF.

Verizon has opened a trouble ticket (goes to "engineers").  Verizon indicated I was only the second person to complain that the issue persisted after the 4.0.4 update.  If you have the 4.0.4 update & your Galaxy Nexus still has this issue, please call Verizon to let them know...

So...  Ideas?

Galaxy Nexus: Safe Mode

As requested by Verizon, I started the Galaxy Nexus on Safe Mode.

I'd tell you how to do so here, but I would be wasting everyone's time as the issue continues while the phone is on safe-mode.  Three calls this am, and the first two had the issue-the third was real short (letting them know I would call them later on a land-line).

Unless Verizon has some other request at this point, I am going to follow Bob Egan's suggestion of running the Galaxy Nexus in 3G only mode (no wifi, no bluetooth) & while in Safe Mode (just to make sure I have eliminated any app issues).

Again, I'll update as I get information/news...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Update: Galaxy Nexus Issue

It has been suggested by Bob Egan that perhaps communication with the LTE, perhaps some reverse channels (sounds like back channels in spy-speak), may be a cause of the issue...

Reverse channels described, briefly, here (  More detailed information here (

Back to my issue...

When LTE / CDMA is enabled as the mobile networks, the audio is shut off both ways when, during the phone call, you select CDMA.  I would call this a "dropped call."  This is different than what happens when I am on a call and, suddenly, the other party can no longer hear me.  So, I guess I have 2 issues... :)

I was able to cut off audio occasionally when disconnecting wifi (by pulling the power cord on the router)-this happened when the phone was on LTE.CDMA and CDMA only... I would call this a "dropped call" too.  Both parties lost the ability to hear the other party and the call ended shortly thereafter.

Can someone confirm both of these "dropped call" issues?

Again, this "dropped call" issue differs from "my issue."  In "my issue," I am on a call and the other party loses the ability to hear me-I can still hear them, and the phone call does not end unless one of us hangs up.  "My issue" is not what I would call a "dropped call."

I do know that 4G does get intermittent service in my area, and I have called Verizon about this a few times.  I go from 4G to 3G around my end of town...  Perhaps 4G connectivity is an issue/cause.  How about being exactly between towers and 4G moving from tower to tower?  Might that be an issue?

Earlier today, I was on 3G only (CDMA), and I had the issue (but wifi was on).

Verizon is asking me to run the Galaxy Nexus in 'Safe Mode" to see if the "issue" happens.  So, I am going to run it in safe mode to test the device...

If that doesn't work, I guess I will follow Bob Egan's advice and try wifi off, BlueTooth off, and LTE off-running strictlyl on CDMA with no other wireless connectivity (so to speak).

Not sure what it means if it also happens then...

Updates as I get more information...

Galaxy Nexus Issue

I moved to western NC to open my firm.  Down east, AT&T had great coverage (Verizon's coverage was not as good).  Moving to Asheville, I wanted to have a single line to my firm and decided to use my mobile number as my office number (I also have a Google Number - nothing like voice-mail and dictated e-mail!).  I immediately noticed the phone wasn't working as ... a phone.  The "issue" happened about 80% of the time...

What is "the issue?"  Namely:

While on a phone conversation that has been fine for at least 2 minutes, the other party suddenly hears a series of beeps, garbled speech, then nothing.  The phone call is still active, and I can still hear everything the other party says.  The phone call continues until the other party or I hang up.

So, what did I do?  I called Verizon customer support and described the situation.  Verizon assured me they had never heard of such a thing but did offer to let me soft reset the phone to see if that would fix the issue.  Nope...  Verizon asked me to conduct a hard reset, but the hard reset did not prevent the same "issue."  Verizon asked me to reset and not install any software (apps) to see if the "issue" was fixed.   The "issue" still happened about 80% of the time.

The 4.0.4 update came out on June 5, 2012 for my phone.  I updated immediately, but found the "issue" remained.  I turned off LTE, but the "issue" remained when the device (can't call it a phone...) was set to CDMA only.  Verizon then asked that I do a reset, but the "issue" remains.

In trying to get a solution for the many of us with this issue, I started tweeting various Internet dignitaries, Tech writers, and company employees (Verizon) regarding our "issue."  The "issue" is documented well, but let me write it out for you...

While on a phone conversation, the other party tells me they hear a series of beeps, garbled speech, then nothing.  The phone call is still active, and I can still hear everything the other party says.  The phone call continues until the other party or I hang up.


Read it again... Please.

Again, this happens while the Nexus is set on LTE + CDMA or just on CDMA.  It happens when the wifi is on or off. It happens on stock handset set-up or fully loaded handset with applications. Soft reset and hard reset do nothing to prevent the "issue" from reoccurring.

Here are a few threads where this is discussed:

1.  Code.Google -

2.  XDA Developers -

3.  Android Forums -

4.  Productforums.Google -!topic/mobile/bhhO8QkS3iQ

5.  Community.VerizonWireless -

6.  Android Central -

7.  Galaxy Nexus Forum =

8.  Droid Forums -

The "theories" go from DTMF tones to SIM card issues.  The SIM I am using works just fine in a Razr MAXX, but the issue continues if I move it to the GN-not a SIM issue in my opinion.

Not sure about the DTMF tones, I'll have to go look them up

So we are here today...  Please feel free to ask me to try other items... I am going to send the device back to Samsung for "repair" within a few days, so, if you have suggestions, please send them my way... :)

I'll update as I have more information...

Thanks (I should have stated that earlier...).