Verizon issued a trouble ticket, and the results are no network issues known in my area. They continue to monitor/review the issue, but they filled out the paperwork (Trouble Ticket) to send to Samsung & Google regarding the 4.0.4 update not fixing this issue for me (or many others).
What helps us? Call Verizon every time it happens. Give them your location when it happened, who you called (number), tower/system (LTE/ eHRPD / CDMA/etc) you are connected to at the time the issue happens. Verizon will fill out a form with all of this information to send to their "engineers" (I wonder if they exist) and to Samsung & Google. Hopefully, more tickets == more movement from Google, Samsung, & Verizon - although Verizon is the only one of the 'big three' that is out in front of this issue... Kudos to them!
I have given up on this device (for it is not a phone) ever working to make functioning, lasting, & problem-free phone calls.
If you are still 'hoping' for a better outcome, I salute you. I will continue to tweet, bug Samsung, Google, and Verizon (to a much lesser degree since they, at least, admit the problem exists). Note, Google has yet to assign this issue to anyone (
I saw a tweet from John D Cook (@JohnDCook) stating:
"If a project doesn't have an owner, it's like a chainsaw on a rope swing. Why would anyone even go near that?" --Merlin MannI have to admit... This issue and Google are just like that... Who, having been through this issue, is even mildly excited about their next Samsung or Android phone? I am apprehensive and filled with dread...
Good job Google & Samsung! I do know, at least, that Verizon won't leave me hanging with a device that won't make a call.
Updates to follow as I hear back from Samsung's repair facility in Plano, Texas.
On a bright note, I do hear the ICS update for the Razr MAXX is being pushed today.. ;)